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Chapter 7 - Passion is Your Purpose

Your purpose in life is to live your Passion What is your passion?

What is it that you can do that makes you feel great joy? Do that, do what makes your heart sing and you will know your purpose. Once you know your passion and your purpose life reality will begin to align itself to your purpose. You will know your true purpose and passion when you know that it is for the greatest good of all involved. You will know it as your own unique contribution to the well being of all humanity, and you learn that by being your true self.

Remember back when I asked you if you had done it all? What would you do next? Well that is part of the path to finding the true you, your true passion. Once you get all of your programmed desires and all of your limited ego based desires out of the way you will discover your true song, your soul’s song and the reason you are here.

The answer is simple: Live your highest purpose in each moment, to be focused on the higher good for ALL life, without fear for one’s own well-being, the highest result will be manifested for ALL.

Discover Your Purpose

Once you discover your source, your true Self, life will truly be a wondrous joyful experience.

Discovering your purpose can be a tough adventure for some. We invent all types of purposes for our life. What we think is our purpose may take on many different forms and change frequently. Once you know your purpose, you are living it in each moment and you didn’t even know you found it. Because you were living your life with passion and you have no reason to question if it is your purpose you just simply know it.

You purpose can be simply summed up to: Life is a Journey and it is your purpose to fully experience it and engage it and contribute with your unique perspective.

What are you Tolerating

Another good way to uncover more passion in your life is to uncover all the things in your life that you are tolerating. By being aware of all the things in your life that you are tolerating you begin to understand things that you may not have to tolerate, things that you were unaware of that are keeping you from being truly passionate about your life.

Tolerating things is like making excuses for the way things are and that you just don’t feel like dealing with them right now so you tolerate them. Little annoyances that you put up with are things you are tolerating. Make a list, go all out.

Health and Well-Being

Health and Well-Being are very important to helping you experience more joy and more passion in your life. If you body feels good, it tells you it’s feeling good and when your body feels good you have good emotions, you think good thoughts.

There are some simple remedies that can help you to feel better immediately.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

2. Take Vitamins

3. Get Plenty of Rest

One of the main problems with people feeling unhealthy is lack of hydration. Your body needs the proper amount of water to function at optimum levels. Drink a full glass of water right now and you will see that within 20 minutes you will feel a bit better than you had 20 minutes ago. It’s a fact. Of course, not all water is good for you but if you hold the intention that the water you are drinking is healing, it will be.

Scientists are just beginning to discover that frequencies can be impressed upon water and be a carrier of that frequency. Dr. Emoto has done several experiments with our intentions impressed upon water and has had amazing results. If you would like to learn more point your browser to and discover for yourself something truly amazing.

Another quick way to feel better is go out and get yourself some vitamins, or an energy drink. You will soon see that when your body has what it needs you will be able to experience higher and more frequent levels of happiness and joy.

Make sure to get plenty of rest. If your body doesn’t get the rest it needs then you will feel stressed out; things will tend to get on your nerves more often. If your body doesn’t get the rest it needs by your choice it will make the choice for you by breaking down and getting sick.

Then you have to rest to get better. Your body is very intelligent and every single cell and atom of your body is in constant communication with itself. Begin to love and treat your body with respect, it’s yours it’s the only one you get this lifetime and it’s up to you to care for it love it and respect it.


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