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Chapter 6 – Mastering Wealth

Practical Application of Universal Laws

By learning the Universal Laws that pertain to great wealth, you will now need to learn the practical application of such laws.

Practical application of the universal laws begin with your thoughts. Your thoughts determine your emotions and actions.

By learning to master your thoughts and use them in conjunction with the universal laws, you will learn the art of manifestation. Manifestation is a very easy and natural process and is already working perfectly in your life right now. It is not a process that needs fixing. Just understanding what it is and how it works will be enough to turn you into a master of your own life and experiences.

You are already a master manifestor at the soul level but you must also become a master of manifestation at the physical level. Part of becoming a master is by learning, understanding and applying the universal laws to everything. The universal laws are always at work and can be seen and explained in everything. You must meditate on how the universal laws are at work in everything. A rock is a good example.

Once you can understand how all of the universal laws are at work or can be activated and used within a rock you will, without a doubt, have become a master of the universal laws. Some things cannot be explained…they just simply have to be experienced.

Remember everything is energy and everything vibrates to a certain frequency. Frequency is Everything. All frequencies co-exist to make up the entire Universe. The Universe is the song that is the expression of all the frequencies in infinity. The Universal song is the expression of infinite creation and experience.

Manifesting your desires is a very natural process

Manifesting your desires is a very natural process that can get very complicated, very quickly, if you force the process. Being attached to a certain outcome is one of the quickest roads to disappointment. You must be open to the possibility that there is a greater intelligence in you that will create circumstances to help you better learn how to use your power of manifestation and in getting clear with your intent.

When one is focused upon material gain, as an end in itself, the outcome is constricted by the foundation of fear upon which scarcity is based. When one is focused upon selfless service to the higher good of All Life, without fear for one's own well-being, the highest result is manifested for all.

You do not need to be any less prosperous in making such a shift. For the key to sustaining the manifestation of abundance, under conditions where the idea of personal prosperity is irrelevant, is the subtle shift in where one chooses to focus one's intent.

Live your highest purpose in each moment.

People who choose to dedicate their lives to humanity or through restoring the harmony of the environment are not required to choose poverty as a demonstration of that selflessness. Circumstances will manifest quite naturally that would ensure the physical comforts of those in question when one is aligned with one's own highest purpose.

You can help restore harmony to your environment starting today by raising your frequency. I have created several tools at that will raise and balance your frequency which will in turn harmonize and balance your environment. We are merely highly advanced frequency generators and by using certain tools it is possible to begin to generate harmonious frequencies almost instantaneously.

When you are living your highest purpose and experiencing life in all of it's wonders and abundance you automatically give others the confidence and permission to do the same, which is the greatest result for all.

You are not here as a statement of separation from life, but as a materialized statement of unification with it.

You are a powerful creator

Manifesting is not about proving to yourself that you are a creator. There is no need to prove something that you already are. Manifesting your desires is natural, as natural as breathing.

Begin to actively use your imagination to create from formless energy, create and mold your creation from pure energy as a sculptor would create a sculpture out of clay.

“Imagination is the movement of the universal mind within you. Your imagination

creates the inner picture that allows you to participate in the act of creation. It’s the

invisible connecting link to manifesting your own destiny.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Desire: you breathe out; Creation: you breathe in. Your first moment was enjoying your creation of embodiment, your first breath in.

Intent is the focus of vibrational frequency or thought to create anything you want in Life. Intent is desire in pure form.

The Keys to Manifest Naturally in 2 easy steps

1. Focus your intent, breath out.

2. Creation, breathe in and enjoy your manifested desire.

Example: your body desires oxygen, so you breathe out to make room for the oxygen, then you breathe in, and your body enjoys the experience of the new oxygen and when it wants more new oxygen you simply breathe out to make room for more expecting that again your desire for air will be fulfilled.

Transformation need not take years or digging for clues in the subconscious for past karma or blockages or unknown barriers. Set your intent to be that of what you desire, knowing that you have always been whole and complete! Remove from your mind the concept of linear earthly time. Be timeless and you will know that all is known and all is perfect.

The Breath IS Life.

Enjoy each moment naturally as you breathe in and out and know that you are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and end. You are the equation of all possibilities in everything, everywhere!

1. Breathe in, expand Your Universe.

2. Breathe out, expand The Universe.

Discover your true potential.

We have been taught by a society that has learned and, in turn, teaches the path of constriction of lack. That is why you (your higher being) have chosen to create barriers that frustrate and infuriate you as a motivation for you to learn what it is that you are not: Limited. You have created barriers in your life to discover your true potential and to remove those barriers that stifle the very essence of that which you are: Limitless!

The very fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your relentless pursuit of the beliefs you have consistently questioned and tested so that you may find your own truth. There is only one truth - your truth - and in knowing that you come to realize that you must allow all others to live their own truth. Shine by the example of living your own truth, not by trying to convince others of your truth.

Your reality is limitless!

Once responsibility is realized to it fullest ramifications then the limits you have in creating your desires are completely up to your level of acceptance of what you can create.

When you permit yourself the luxury of openly, unabashedly, fantasizing about what it is you truly yearn for, and dream of, you set into motion the energetic parameters for manifesting your heart's desire.

Until you give free expression to the limitless vision you keep under wraps, you cannot, by definition, create it into your reality.

You are worthy and you will always be worthy

Why am I bringing up the subject of worthiness again? Because, it took years of programming and repetition to convince you that you were not worthy in the first place. So with repetition, and keen awareness, you will overcome this obstacle.

When you operate your life from the mindset of the unworthiness to have your heart's desire, when you dare not ask for what you truly want out of fear of disappointment. That disappointment is virtually guaranteed!

You must know that you are already whole; that you are in fact worthy of anything you desire.

Would you, on a hot day, think of treating yourself to an ice-cream cone then go out and buy yourself an ice cream cone? Then, in fear of disappointment or lack of worthiness, decide not to even taste it? Would you just let it melt away? Something that your heart desired, you paid for, only to in fact taste the disappointment that you were afraid of by not allowing yourself to taste the ice-cream? Robbing yourself from true experience.

Do you see how it works?

The moment you imagined what it would be like to have your desire, you have in essence already paid for it. You already expended the energy required to create it. The seed was planted. Now nurture it, protect it, give it love, allow it to grow into your reality so that you may enjoy it. Never for one second allow yourself to believe that you don’t deserve it or how it happens to manifest into your life. Just know that's it's a natural occurrence.

You do deserve it and you are worthy or you wouldn’t have desired it in the first place. Sometimes depending on the clarity of your intent and how open you are, you may even receive something far better.

If you dare to envision yourself in circumstances where your deepest most heartfelt longings were manifested, without reservation and compromise, you might begin to experience the radical shift in the circumstances of your life that would provide you with the very evidence that you are looking for that you do indeed create your life.

I dare you… No, I double dog dare you to begin live the life of your dreams!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds, in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain.

Let go of limitation based thinking.

If you dared to risk letting go of your limitation-based thinking that keeps you anchored in the experience of disappointment in the areas that matters most to you, you might experience the shift from those patterns.

Accept the full responsibility that you are in fact the creator of your experience. For just a moment toy with the thought and you will realize that manifesting your desires are as natural as breathing and you are responsible for all of it.

Allow yourself to be your highest purpose; there is no need to struggle to attain your highest purpose you are already living it every moment whether your realize it or not.

Breathe Naturally and Manifest Your Life, the Life you Deserve to Live, Yours!


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