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Chapter 10 The Power of Romantic Love

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In order to keep the affirmations the same whether used by a man or a woman, I have used the generic terms "significant other," "lover," "the love of my life," and "spouse." I know that these terms tend to be used in society to include non-traditional relationships; however, I am using them in the context of a loving relationship between a man and woman which leads to marriage because this is what I believe and how I choose to live my life. How you choose to use them is up to you.

1. I am always faithful to my spouse in my thoughts and in my actions.

2. I am now in total spiritual and physical harmony with the love of my life.

3. I now create feelings of spiritual connection toward my lover.

4. I now create a romantic, loving environment for myself and my lover on a regular basis.

5. I am now consumed with love and affection towards my spouse.

6. I am now a tender and loving lover.

7. I now create romantic magic and loving moments for my lover everyday.

8. I softly and sensually touch my lover easily and often.

9. I create feelings of love and passion towards the love of my life everyday. I now create these feelings in my body.

10. My subconscious mind now doubles my physical pleasure every time I am touched by my lover.

11. My touch now transfers love, tenderness, and spiritual energy to my lover.

12. I am now loving my spouse the way they want to be loved. I am focused on their need for love.

13. Our love is filled with endless variety and ecstasy.

14. When I love my spouse, I give myself over to feelings of love and passion easily and completely.

15. All my internal images of my lover are big, bright, beautiful, and loving.

16. I am now gentle and sensitive to the needs of my lover.

17. When I love my spouse, I am totally relaxed and comfortable.

18. I am now clean, slim, and sexy. I take care of my body so that I will be most pleasing to the love of my life.

19. My spouse now finds me incredibly attractive and pleasing.

20. I think of little things to please the love of my life every day.

21. All of my conversations with my spouse are now filled with peace, love, and harmony.

22. I am now a fun and playful lover. Our love life is filled with excitement and variety.

23. Every cell in my being is sensitive to my lover's touch.

24. I am always kind, loving, compassionate, and forgiving to the love of my life.

25. I am now open and honest with my spouse everyday.

26. I intensify my emotional feelings towards my lover everyday. I now feel these feelings in the core of my being.

27. I now know what pleases my lover and I do it with love and with skill.

28. I now touch my lover in exactly the way they want to be touched.

29. I am insatiably curious about new ways to love my spouse.

30. My spouse and I now create secret, romantic interludes on a regular basis to add variety to our love life.

31. I day dream about my lover throughout the day, every day.

32. I am now filled with energy and excitement.

33. I now fulfill all the needs of the love of my life.

34. I treat my lover as if they are the most important person in the world to me.

35. I now treat my lover the way I want them to treat me.

36. I now pamper my lover with all the good feelings and things in life. Our life together is magical.

37. I find new ways to regularly create romantic surprises for my lover.


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