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Chapter 9 Creating Power Relationships

1. I now make good friends quickly and easily.

2. Good people are attracted to me every day. They want to meet me.

3. I now put other people at ease quickly and easily.

4. I now hold myself and other people in high esteem.

5. I now surround myself with positive, proactive people.

6. I always create harmony with others through cooperative effort.

7. I will succeed by attracting to myself the cooperation of other people.

8. I will encourage others to help me because of my willingness to help other people.

9. I will cause other people to believe in me because I believe in them and in myself.

10. I actively listen to what others say without interrupting them.

11. I create synergistic, positive relationships that are fair, honest, and healthy.

12. All my facial expressions are now pleasant and pleasing to myself and other people.

13. When I greet people, I great them with gladness in my being.

14. I now have a magnetic, warm handshake.

15. When people first meet me, they like me instantly.

16. My subconscious mind properly prepares the subconscious mind of every person I meet before I meet them.

17. I now accomplish my goals with the benefits to others in mind.

18. I listen to others carefully before responding.

19. I now develop cooperative alliances with others towards definite, specific objectives quickly and easily.

20. I now have a keen understanding of myself and of other people.

21. I treat every person I meet with respect, mercy, tolerance, and understanding.

22. I now look for the good in every person I meet and I find it.

23. I inspire and empower others to greatness.

24. I now have favor in the eyes of every person I meet.

25. I now have a highly pleasing personality.

26. All of my contacts with other people are smooth and pleasant.

27. I express my honest and sincere appreciation and praise for others easily and often.

28. I arouse a feeling of enthusiasm for good things in other people.

29. When speaking with others, I attempt to look at things through their point of view as well as my own.

30. I am now genuinely interested in other people.

31. I wear a sincere, heartwarming smile everywhere I go. My genuine smile comes from deep within my innermost being.

32. I remember the names of other people easily and effortlessly.

33. I encourage other people to talk about themselves and I listen intently.

34. When I speak to others, I focus on their interests not mine.

35. When I need someone to do something, I make them feel happy to do it by pointing out the benefits to them.

36. I sincerely recognize the value in every person I meet and make a genuine effort to make them feel important.


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