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Lesson Six Wealth Of Mind Expresses Itself In Riches

1. What is prosperity?

2. Explain the prosperity law that Jesus gave.

3. What relation has a prosperity consciousness to wealth in the outer?

4. What is the "sin of riches"?

5. What causes crop failure and famine in some countries?

6. Why did Jesus carry no money and own no property?

7. What is the only thing that can satisfy human longing, and where is it found?

8. Is the law of prosperity limited to thought? What else is needful?

9. Over what is man given dominion by his Creator?

10. How can man master his fear of financial lack?

11. Why are prosperity prayers sometimes unanswered?

12. What is the true idea of God, and how does man give it form?

13. What causes "depressions" in the affairs of men and nations?

14. What part does self-control in the matter of sensation play in prosperity demonstration?
15. What is the relative importance of denial and affirmation in the demonstration of prosperity?

16. Who are the real producers of wealth in the nation?

17. What is the law of increase as applied to Mind substance?

18. How should we prepare for an increased prosperity?

19. Should we be specific and definite in our prayers for increase?

20. Write a prosperity affirmation of your own embodying the four essential steps of recognition, love, faith, and praise.


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