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Lesson Five The Law That Governs The Manifestation Of Supply

1. What in our consciousness is represented by Moses? By Joshua? By Jesus?

2. What is the metaphysical significance of eating? How do we break bread in the four-dimensional world?

3. What retards manifestation when we work to attain the consciousness of abundance?

4. What do we mean by the "one law"? How may we know it? How keep it?

5. Explain how our ability to use wealth wisely to a large degree determines our prosperity.

6. Is it necessary to beseech God for prosperity? To ask? To thank?

7. How do we look or go "within"?

8. Compare the sense mind with the spiritual mind and show how true prosperity depends on the latter.

9. What is the light theory of matter formation, and how does it agree with the teaching of the New Testament?

10. Where and what is heaven? How is the soul formed?

11. How did King Solomon demonstrate great prosperity?

12. What is meant by "laying hold of" the substance?

13. How did Jesus develop His consciousness of omnipresent substance and what did that consciousness ultimately do for Him?

14. What is the true interpretation of "rich man" in the famous parable of the camel and the needle's eye?

15. How do we constantly "turn stones into bread," and what results?

16. What does the parable of the talents teach us regarding prosperity?

17. What six steps necessary to manifestation may be discerned in the story of creation?

18. What do we contribute to the world by raising our own consciousness to the prosperity level?

19. Analyze and explain the statement "I trust Thy universal law of prosperity in all my affairs."


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