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Lesson Nine Tithing, The Road To Prosperity

1. What is a "tithe," and how was tithing started?

2. What benefits accrue to the tither, according to the promises of the Bible?

3. Should one regard one's tithe as an investment that pays rewards?

4. In what way is giving a divine grace?

5. What was the practical plan that Paul suggested to the Corinthians?

6. What effect does a willing and cheerful spirit have on the giver, the gift, and the receiver?

7. How can faith be exercised in giving?

8. How should wisdom be employed in giving?

9. How can one who is puzzled about giving--as regards how much, when, and where--be helped by the decision to tithe?

10. What should tithing mean to the farmer? Businessman? Professional man? Mechanic? Laborer?

11. How does tithing help fulfill "the first and greatest commandment" about loving God and the neighbor?

12. Aside from Bible promises, do we have direct evidence that tithing increases prosperity? Cite instances.

13. Should the tithe have a definite place in the personal or family budget? Should we keep a record of our giving, as we do of other disbursements?

14. Why is the regular tithe, though it may be small, better than the occasional giving of a larger gift in a lump sum?

15. What is the psychological basis and effect of tithing?

16. What attitude should one assume toward a seemingly delayed demonstration?

17. Should we look for our good to come through the channel of those to whom we give or serve?

18. Why is it better to give without thought or expectation of return?

19. What must we do about receiving what God has and desires for us?

20. Discuss giving as a form of affirmation.


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