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Lesson Twelve Overcoming The Thought Of Lack

1. Why must we constantly examine our thoughts and separate them?

2. By what standard do we judge our thoughts?

3. What is the work of the superconscious mind in the body?

4. How may we use this superconscious mind in our outer affairs?

5. What is the importance of thought elimination or mental clean-up?

6. How do we go about this work of eliminating error thoughts?

7. What further benefits accrue from the use of denial words?

8. Where or what is the "kingdom of the heavens," and what is it like?

9. What is meant by "loosing in heaven"? What should we loose and what should we guard against loosing?

10. Where and what is "substance"? How do we contact it?

11. What is the result of clinging to past ideas and methods?

12. What is mortality? Do we escape it by dying? How otherwise?

13. Explain the new birth and the relation of denial to it.

14. What do Bible characters mean to us? What can they do for us?

15. What do David and Goliath stand for in consciousness?

16. What is the modern "golden calf" that most men worship?

17. Name some of the evil results of the error of money worship.

18. Would the doing away with money entirely solve the problem? What is the solution?

19. What "little but mighty" idea in consciousness is symbolized by David?

20. What are the weapons of this David that slay the giant fear?


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