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Principle of "UNMANAGEABLE"

The realization that I can't manipulate or control my environment
The inability to run my own life.


* Feeling of being out of control
* People will judge me or look at me differently
* Asking for help
* Having to change
* Telling the truth
* Not knowing what comes next

What does it look like when I'm not doing it (costs).

* Life doesn't go how i think it should
* A feeling of the world being against me
* Feelings of anger, nervousness, and aimlessness
* Conflict with others
* No matter how hard I try or work it still doesn't go my way
* Feeling lost, confused and overwhelmed
* Feelings of guilt, shame and anger

What does it look like when I am doing it (rewards).

* Less complications
* A general sense of ease about doing the next right thing
* Life's path becomes more clear
* I become more usefull
* Ability to help others
* Decrease in stressful feelings and anxiety

What are the benefits?

* Better relationships with others
* Willingness to be honest with myself
* Increase of ideas, clarity
* More energy, renewed sense of well being
* More motivation
* No longer having to fake it

What is the truth?

* There are different levels of managing life but none of us are in complete control.

What is the illusion?

* I have the power to manage my addictions by my self.


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