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Chapter 2 – Beliefs, Helping or Hurting You?

Beliefs About Wealth

This is the biggest step in relaxing into your natural state of being truly wealthy.

Beliefs have everything to do with your life right now. What you experience is determined by your beliefs. Everybody is completely entitled to his or her own beliefs; however, the funny thing is, we have allowed a lot of things to determine what it is that we believe.

Remember, you also have the responsibility to choose what to believe as truth. Just because someone believes something is the truth doesn't mean you have to until you decide what you want to believe. We are constantly bombarded with all kinds of stimuli that affect our beliefs. Start to question every belief you have. Does it serve you? Does it reflect wealthy, healthy, joyful beliefs? Is it fear based? There are so many things we take for granted as truth, that you have to ask yourself… does that belief serve me, or serve my desires? Or does it keep me rooted in the dis-ease of the mind where poverty, lack, and dismay prevail?

You'll truly be surprised at what you can dig up that may be holding you back. I was amazed at just how much I was standing in my own way, and without a doubt you will be amazed to. Once I knew I was the cause, all I had to do was get the hell out of my own way!

Subconscious vs. Conscious Beliefs

Subconscious beliefs can have a major impact on the quality of your life that you are experiencing right now. Since you were born you have been programmed on what to believe. I am going to present you with some techniques that you can use to overcome subconscious limiting beliefs.

Let's take a quick minute to determine your beliefs and how you feel about wealth.

Start by listing all your feelings and beliefs about wealth. Go ahead! In your mind, on paper, on the wall (Of course if you are at work, that might not be a good idea; your boss might try to steal this book and that might not be good – tell him you will be glad to “give” him his own copy but he can’t have yours.) Just list your beliefs and feelings about wealth so you know what you have to work with.

How do you feel about wealthy people?

How do you think truly wealthy people feel about you? (Well that would be obvious; we want you to be truly wealthy too.)

How do some of those beliefs make you feel? Do they make you feel wealthier?

Now imagine for a moment, how do wealthy people feel?; what do they think about? What actions do they take?

Haven't got a clue?

That's ok. I explain it in detail later on, but that's still no excuse for not using your imagination and, at least, trying to imagine how truly wealthy people feel, think and act! Imagination is free. We all have it and we all can use it at any time we see fit. Imagination can never be taken away from you unless you allow it to be taken away.

Practice thinking, feeling and taking action as if you already are wealthy.

Hint: When you are truly wealthy you focus on positive thoughts. You feel positive feelings, you take positive action, and you enjoy life and all it has to offer. You laugh, you cry, you experience fully in each moment and you are grateful for each moment of your life. Yes the bad and the good. It's part of the experience of life and by not fully experiencing your feelings you are not allowing yourself to fully express and feel in each moment. You are in fact missing out on the greater experience of life.

Be constructive, responsible, creative, helpful, relaxed, calm, grateful, loving, joyful, and playful… Be yourself! It may be a bit hard to hold positive thoughts in certain situations, but the key is remembering this too shall pass. Let it go, and move on and just be YOURSELF!

You must completely infect yourself with wealth; saturate your mind and life with wealthy thoughts, actions and emotions. Get books related to wealth, if not for any other reason than just to have them in your reach. Change your normal routines, get up 5 minutes earlier, or sleep in an extra 10 minutes. Little things like this have a huge impact on your subconscious. Your subconscious is based mainly on your habitual, Thoughts, Actions and Emotions. Once you change up the program, your subconscious has to reassess the situation and rebuild your habits.

The Fastest Road to Wealth

Now for the Biggy; and this can be worse than taking castor oil or grandma's cure all recipe for colds. How much responsibility can you accept that your life is the way it is because of you. The way you think, the way you feel, The actions you take, what you have been taught, the beliefs you have accepted as truth? It all adds up to where you are now. If you are not where you want to be, it's because you are thinking, feeling and taking action to be where you don't want to be. There is no one to blame. It's like learning to ride a bike, you fall a few times but you can't blame anyone for it, because you’re the one who made the choice to get on the bicycle. Falling is part of the learning process, but you pick yourself up, take responsibility, get back on the bicycle and learn to ride it.

The fastest road to being wealthy is accepting 100% responsibility for where your life is now.

Accepting 100% responsibility for you life may be one of the hardest things for you to accept, but it is the undeniable truth of you standing in your own way.

"The block of granite which was an obstacle in the

Pathway of the weak, became a stepping-stone

in the pathway of the strong " –Thomas Carlyle

Responsibility is the key

Responsibility is the key in expanding your truth that you are in fact the creator of your experience at any given moment. The amount of responsibility that you accept is the exact amount of creation ability that you utilize for your experience.

To be completely responsible for your experience is to know that, without a doubt, the free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional.

You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything in any way it pleases you. That is your birthright.

With that freedom comes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions, so that you will be able to experience the results of your choices.

You must choose to "feel" wealthy now, and to think wealthy thoughts. You will constantly be tested to remember to choose to feel wealthy now, and to really feel wealthy you must live in wealthy thoughts. Let's say it's hard to actually feel wealthy when there is so much lack and despair around you right now. So, as you look around, you feel despair and you think poverty ridden thoughts based in lack. Is it the environment you are in that made you feel this way? Yes? That's absurd.

You chose to allow yourself to feel and think this way. Do you control your thoughts and feelings or does your environment? You do! You make the choice. Accept your responsibility to choose how you think and how you feel in every moment. Your environment is only showing you exactly how you feel and think to provide contrast so you can exercise choice; the choice of how you want to think and feel in any given situation.

Stop Wasting Time Playing the Blame Game

Stop wasting time blaming others of all the injustices to you and the world. It doesn't do anyone any good and is part of the dis-ease. You are wasting precious time, holding thoughts of blame and victimization. You have a far better use for your time. It's called being responsible for your life and the way it is and to take control right now over YOUR life!

I know it will take time to actually realize the full power of what I have just explained to you, but what have you got to lose accept a lot of useless baggage that doesn't help you in anyway. Just drop the blame game and get on with the real game of life, where the sky’s the limit and all you have to do is take responsibility for how far and how high you want to go. Once you take responsibility, you take ownership of your life, and it's that simple. Most of us learned at an early age to play the blame game and give up ownership of our lives. If you ever want to own anything, start by owning your own life by taking responsibility for it.

The more responsibility you can accept for the condition your life is in the faster you will become truly wealthy.

Forgiveness is part of Accepting Responsibility

Now forgive yourself, for getting all caught up in the blame game and giving up ownership of your life. That may even be harder than accepting responsibility but it must be done. Forgive yourself, forgive everyone, because every thing that you can't forgive is extra baggage and that baggage carries the dis-ease of the mind that manifests itself as poverty and despair. You may even find it is harder to forgive yourself for some of the things you have done, or not done. It's ok, really, let it go. The more responsibility you accept for the condition of your life the more forgiveness you will need to give yourself.

You Are Worthy of Great Wealth

You are worthy, you were born worthy of great wealth, and it is you who denies yourself any enjoyment in any moment. You have the choice in every moment: how to feel, what to think, and who to be. It is your choice! Take responsibility and take ownership for how you choose to feel, think and be in every moment.

It's not easy at first, but with practice you will be the rock that the waves of life crash against. Once you are very good at monitoring your Thoughts, Emotions and Actions, the storm will end and you will enjoy sunny, warm joyful days as your Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions will be your experience.

Monitoring your thoughts is like a great workout because you have to exercise the Joy muscle (No! not that one… go ahead laugh it up fuzzball!) by choosing joyful thoughts, feelings and actions over and over until you become strong in being Joyful it becomes habit, which means it becomes subconscious. Being Joyful makes you amazingly attractive and by being attractive you attract more of what you desire. It is Law!

Selfishness Vs. Selflessness

One other major limiting belief I would like to cover is Selfishness VS. Selflessness. To put it simply: you must be selfish enough to want to change, you must be selfish enough to take ownership of your life and the way it is, be selfish enough to take the time to become strong and wealthy to be the best you can be.

Be selfish enough to be You. Not what someone else wants you to be. The only thing you will accomplish by being what someone else wants you to be is great disharmony in your life. Selflessness is bad if you are not strong enough and selfish enough to be yourself. You cannot be selfless and skip a meal to feed another if you have skipped a week of meals by feeding others, soon you will be the one that needs help with that mindset. It is good and noble to be selfless to an extent, but unless you want to be a burden rather than a helper, you must first be selfish enough to take care of you.

Are you selfish enough to feel good?

Nothing matters more than that you feel good. When you feel good abundance flows into your life. You must reach the place where you say and feel “Nothing is more important than that I feel good”. You must be selfish enough to want to feel good for you and your own well-being. It is a choice that you can make in any moment and until you make the choice you will be at the mercy of a world programming you that you need to have “this” or “that” to feel good. Once you begin to strive to feel good in every moment and you make the choice of how you want to feel, regardless of your current circumstances, you will begin experience effortless abundance.

No thanks, I think I’ll pass

Be selfish enough to skip out on the “My story is worse than your story game”. Have you ever noticed how we all like to sit around with friends and family and compete with each other about the bad things that have happened to us? If I had a dollar for every time I joined into the “Victim Game” in the past, I would already be a gazillionaire. How about you?

Next time you are in a situation where you can participate in the “Victim Game,” catch yourself. Be selfish enough to tell a story of how something wonderful happened to you. I guarantee that conversation won’t last long. It seems not to many of our friends and family are willing to sit and hear about all the good things that have happened to us.

We have allowed ourselves to be programmed that life is hard, full of lack, poverty and dis-ease. And we continually program ourselves with this negativity everyday: by the radio, T.V., friends and family and we spread it around as a disease of the mind.

Why do you think the news focuses on the negative? It’s because that’s what sells, that’s what we listen to and tell others about. The news engages our emotions, (Oh that’s so horrible), plays on our empathy and then we call up so ‘n so and say, “Oh my god did you hear about the such ‘n such that happened … it’s so horrible.” Just like it actually happened to us and is directly related to our experience even though it was miles away, maybe even in another country and happened to somebody you have never even heard of! It’s completely absurd.

Then there we are sitting around feeling all horrible about all the terrible things in the world, then come the commercials. Showing us all the things we NEED to have to feel better. It’s the job of the marketer to make us feel that we need this thing or that thing to feel complete, to feel good. They convince us that without xyz product we won’t be as happy as we could be, we wont get things done easily, that we wont be as beautiful as we could be. The list goes on and on.

So what do we accomplish by sitting down for hours a day

in front of the TV?

The only thing that is accomplished is that you allowed yourself to feel bad and then you spread the feeling around to others to your loved ones. What do you call something that spreads infection? A Carrier. Well are you a carrier of the cure or of the dis-ease. Fortunately with this type of dis-ease, it’s a dis-ease of the mind and all it takes is a choice to begin to heal.

Let’s get one belief straight: it serves no one to allow yourself to feel negative to things that don’t directly effect you. And even when they do directly affect you, you have a choice of how to feel and what to think. Do you think for one minute that sharing negativity with the situation will help? Or would you, and the situation, be better served by choosing to be positive and working on a positive solution to a positive outcome? Sometimes all that is needed is a smile. You must first be selfish enough to help yourself before you will be strong enough to help others, period!

Learn to be selfish enough to choose how you want to feel in each moment!

Never Ever FORGET,

You are worthy of Great Wealth, believe it, Know it. Because you are already well on your way to being wealthy or you wouldn't even be reading this.

I have complete confidence in you and I have complete confidence in this book, this experience to bring about the experience that this world so desperately needs: the beginning of the end of poverty, hopelessness, sickness and despair. You have right now every thing you need to live the life of your dreams and it is up to you.

You are responsible for your life right now, everything you think, feel, and do must be focused on being Healthy and Wealthy. Forgive yourself and the past, let it go; the only thing you can change is right now.

Through right thoughts, feelings, and actions you will be helping to change the world by living a life you deserve to live, to have, to be and to do anything you desire.

Here is a good quote that sums up how you should feel about selfishness and worthiness.

If the idea of God bothers you substitute it for whatever you want: Source, The Universe, Higher Self, All that is, The BIG ink pen, you get the picture

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you NOT to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

–Marianne Williamson / "A Course in Miracles"


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