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Question Helps Lesson One Spiritual Substance, The Fundamental Basis Of The Universe

1. What is Divine Mind?

2. What is man, and how is he connected with divine ideas?

3. What great change in methods of production and distribution seems about to be made? How will it affect our prosperity?

4. What is the ether of science and metaphysics? To what extent has man drawn on it, and what are its possibilities?

5. What did Jesus demonstrate regarding the kingdom of the ether?

6. What is the source of all material, according to science? According to Jesus?

7. What is the simplest and surest way to lay hold of substance?

8. Explain from this viewpoint how substance can never be depleted.

9. Why does God give to just and unjust alike, to all equally?

10. How does this truth of the ether help us better to understand the nature of God as pure being or Spirit?

11. What is symbolized by gold and silver? Why are they precious?

12. What is the threefold activity through which substance must go on its way to becoming manifest as material?

13. If substance is omnipresent and man can control its manifestation, why does man suffer from lack and limitation?

14. Explain the teaching of Jesus that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.

15. What is meant by "property rights" and the right to wealth? What error is implied in this doctrine? To whom do ideas belong?

16. What are some of the "great possessions" that must be unloaded before we can enter the kingdom of consciousness?

17. After recognizing the existence, potentiality, and availability of universal substance, what is the next step in demonstration?

18. Can the kingdom be found by one with selfish motives? Why should we desire healing and prosperity?

19. What is the prosperity consciousness? Give examples. How can it be cultivated wisely?

20. What will be the social and economic results of a widespread prosperity consciousness in the whole race?



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