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Principle of "SANITY"

soundness of mind, wise, in tune with reality


* I won't like when I am sane
* others will not like me
* too much work
* too much responsibility

What does it look like when I'm not doing it (costs):

* excessive energy expenditure
* conflicts with others
* mal adaptive behavior
* time wasted
* false pride
* repeating activities expecting different outcome

What does it look like when I am admitting (rewards):

* less abusive behavior
* cooperation with others
* humility
* effeciency

What are the benefits:

* in tune with Reality
* acceptance of what is
* more efficient energy use
* calmness
* clearer vision
* better insight

What is the truth:

* I live better when sane

What is the illusion:

* the unreal is good


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