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How to Develop Intuition — the “Sparkplug” of


We know intuition under another name: Inspiration. When we say that a man writes, speaks or acts as one inspired, we mean that he has grasped intuitively --- which is, instantly --- the right thing to do and has done it at the right time. Is this the same as rapid reasoning? In its result, yes --- although intuition usually brings that result far sooner that reasoning does. But even though the results are the same, the process of reasoning is different from intuition. More labored and cumbersome.

For example, suppose we have a problem consisting of three different elements, which we will call A, B, and C. Assume that element A seemingly has no relationship whatever with element C, but that it is practically identical with element B. Now, assume further that close examination shows that element B is substantially the same as element C. The reasoning man will work it out thus: “If A is the same as B, and B is the same as C, then A and C must also be the same.” Of course, that is very elementary reasoning, but you can see that it involves the mind’s traveling from to B, thence to C, then back again to B and A for comparison and check up and finally, after this verification of identity, the mind bridges the gap from A to C and the chain of logic is complete.

Contrast this with that of the intuitive mind, faced with the same problem. Intuition seizes upon and understands A, B and C (all three of them) simultaneously. It does not travel from A to B to C and back again, but apprehends all three elements at one and the same time. You might say that it fuses them into their common identity in a flash, just as an oxy-acetylene torch fuses tow metals in a single blast. Another way of putting it would be to compare reasoning to a slow fuse, while intuition more nearly resembles a fulminating cap. Reasoning travels slowly along a marked highway while intuition cuts across lots and gets there just so much faster.

This differentiation between reasoning and intuition makes it clear that Multiple Mentalism definitely and effectively develops your intuitive powers. Your brain is trained to seize upon many factors at once, to compare them simultaneously, and your several trains of concurrent thought naturally merge into a complete understanding of the problem or situation as a whole --- an understanding based on the correct evolution and sequences of the various factors involved. In five words: MY TRAINING UNFAILINGLY DEVELOPS INTUITION!

Exercise XI:

Write down 3 five-letter words. Look at them until they are firmly fixed in your mind. Then put the paper where you cannot see it.

Now, on a new sheet of paper, write two of the words with their letters intermingled, spelling one forwards and the other backwards --- and while doing this, spell the third word aloud, slowly. Like this:

While writing CRAORNROYH (CARRY and RONOH, which is HONOR written backwards), spell aloud M-O-N-E-Y. It’s dollars to doughnuts you will not do this correctly the first five times you try it --- but you now have the brain power to master it with but little practice. Give an hour to this drill today, using different groups of 5-letter words. Take longer, if you need more time to attain speed and accuracy in the drill.

Tomorrow, repeat your practice of this exercise for at least an hour, but use 6-letter words instead of words with only five letters. For example: Write EYNLEIRSGAYE (ENERGY, frontwards, and EASILY, backwards) while saying aloud slowly P-O-R-T-E-R.

On the following days of the week, take longer and longer words until the drill becomes as easy for you while using words like CONGLOMERATION as it was with simpler words.

For variation, try using words of unequal length, intermingling the letters of a 6-letter word with those of a 10-letter words, while spelling a 12-letter word aloud. Try doing this with the first three words that come to mid, regardless of their lengths. Take unfamiliar words as well as familiar ones. Spell a word such as SUBSTANTIATION aloud while writing DEFIES and WORLDLY with their letters intermingled.

Let me repeat the suggestion I made at the conclusion of Exercise IX. Now that your brain cells have been awakened and trained really to work for you, make a conscious effort to use in your daily life the principles of kinetic thinking you acquired through these drills. Put them to practical application. See for yourself how the quality and quantity of your work improve. Learn why so many speak of Multiple Mentalism as a $uccess Course. See how rapidly promotion and profits will follow on the heels of this priceless training!


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