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Faith is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, thorugh the principle of auto-suggestion. This is why repeating your affirmations twice daily is so important.

You may convince the subconscious mind that you believe you will receive that for which you ask, and it will act upon that belief, which your subconscious mind passes back to you in the form of faith, followed by definite plans for procuring that which you desire.

All thoughts which have been emotionalized (given feeling) and mixed with faith, begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart.

The subconscious mind will translate into its physical equivalent a thought impulse of a negative or destructive nature just as readily as it will act upon thought impulses of a positive or constructive nature. This accounts for the strange phenomenon which so many millions of people experience, and call “misfortune,” or “bad luck.”

You may benefit by passing on to your subconscious mind, any desire which you wish translated into its physical, or monetary equivalent, in a state of expectancy or belief that the transmutation will actually take place. Your belief, or faith, is the element

which determines the action of your subconscious mind. There is nothing to hinder you from “deceiving” your subconscious mind when giving it instructions through auto-suggestion.

The Think and Grow Rich Workbook by O’Bryan and Vitale. Page 16

To make this deceit more realistic, conduct yourself as you would if you were already in the possession of the material thing which you are demanding.

The mind comes to take on the nature of the influences which dominate it. It is essential for you to encourage the positive emotions as dominating forces of your mind, and discourage- and eliminate- negative emotions.

One comes to believe what one repeats to one’s self, whether the statement be true or false. If you repeat a lie over and over, you will eventually accept the lie as truth. You will believe it to be the truth. Every one is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind. Thoughts you deliberately place in you own mind constitute the motivational forces, which direct and control your every movement, act, and deed.

We are what we are because of what we think and believe. Resolve to throw off the influences of negative energy, and build your own life to order.

The subconscious mind makes no distinction between constructive and destructive thought impulses. It works with the material we feed it, through our thought impulses. The subconscious mind will translate into reality a thought driven by fear just as readily as it will translate into reality a thought drive by courage or faith.

Auto-suggestion will lead you to peace and prosperity or misery, failure and death.

If you fill your mind with fear, doubt and unbelief in your ability to connect with and use the forces of infinite intelligence, the law of auto suggestion will take this spirit of unbelief and use it as a

The Think and Grow Rich Workbook by O’Bryan and Vitale. Page 17

pattern by which your subconscious mind will translate it into its physical equivalent.

“Do not wait; the time will never be ''just right.'' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go


- Napoleon Hill

The Think and Grow Rich Workbook by O’Bryan and Vitale. Page 18


1. We are what we are because of what we ______ and ________ .

2. If you believe you will succeed, you will _____________ .

3. Thoughts, mixed with __________ , begin immediately to

translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart.

4. T/F The subconscious can tell the difference between positive and negative thoughts.

5. Positive thoughts and beliefs bring ________ outcomes.

“Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our minds and these magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.” -

Napoleon Hill

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