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Having pursued our work to the present point, little need be said on the application of the magnetic power. The culture of magnetism implies all along its address to life. If you have toiled for the goal you have used the results, and experience, the greatest of teachers, has instructed you in the art of employing the etheric talent.

A few suggestions are, nevertheless, now offered as indicators of the larger possible treatment,--remembering that our field is not general success alone, nor pure magnetism alone, but is the condensed subject, Success-Magnetism. You are, therefore, invited to observe the following considerations:


1. Magnetism entertains no unnecessary thought of evil concerning others.

2. It is altogether superior to low-minded revenge.

3. It never reveals personal embarrassment.

4. It permits no show of irritation.

5. It is incapable of losing temper.

6. It refuses to exhibit hostility.

7. It never admits, never discloses, defeat.

8. The magnetic person never shows indifference toward others.

9. Magnetism conceals the feelings of ridicule and contempt.

10. If you are magnetic, you never indulge in violence.

11. You neither look for slights and insults, nor do you feel them, unless they are persistently thrust upon you.

12. You are invited to resolve upon the increase of your circle of friends, and never to lose an opportunity of winning a well-wisher.

13. This means, of course, that you retain every friend secured, if possible in self-respect—which should not be unduly rigid.

14. The instant recognition of faces and recollection of names is intensely magnetic.

15. Magnetism ignores all caste distinctions, and is friendly toward all.

16. If you would be magnetic in personal relations, you must splendidly believe both in yourself and in other people.

17. The general magnetic attitude is a close compound of the magnetic thought and the success-thought, buoyant in hope and courage and bound together by the magnetic will.

18. In the use of this attitude, every obligation should be regarded as profoundly sacred. The magnetic person cannot be careless in this respect.

19. This book has all along insisted that magnetic success imperatively demands the life of highest honor.

20. Above all, you are again urged to banish from the inner self fear, worry, discouragement, depression, and every such enemy to peace and power. There is in your mind an UPPER LEVEL; LIVE IN THAT. When worry and the like appear, you will find them occupying the lower level and absorbing your attention. You should instantly force consciousness to the higher ground, expelling these enemies and holding up to the better mood. This is the one secret of victory over the king’s foes. The author guarantees the remedy in any case that is not fit for the hospital.

21. In the conduct of life, the magnetic person sets before the mind a definite goal, either life-long or particular, and adheres thereto with bulldog pertinacity.

22. And he, therefore, wastes no values, but economizes all.

23. He saves part of his earnings; he carries his money in his pocket-book, not loosely.

24. But he has the wisdom to recreate, to rest the body, to ease the mind, to take needed breathing-spells for magnetic increase.


Let us finally understand. In applied magnetism, you simply harmonize the etheric states of others with those of yourself, and convey to them through the ethereal medium the purpose of your will. The FIRST condition of success here is agreeableness, the SECOND consists in tact and perseverance, the THIRD is will-power --not brutal will-force, but magnetic power of will.

In all application of magnetism to persons, you are urged to remember that your very first goal, always and preeminently, is an agreeable feeling within their minds. You should never try to induce a person to act your way until you have thoroughly established in him a good feeling toward yourself. This is the prime initial step. When such a condition has been secured, you are then ready for the magnetic assault—and then only.

When you are dealing with other people, endeavoring magnetically to win them to your wish, you should summon the general magnetic feeling within yourself, will them to do as you desire, and at the same time think of them as already consenting and acting. Your inner condition should be perfectly calm, buoyant, hopeful, whatever the external means employed, your mind should be concentrated upon the thing desired, and its accomplishment should be thought of as now secured. The response of the person may be delayed, but this should not discourage you, for some minds do not take suggestions (those of your unspoken will are referred to) quickly, and they do not act instantly upon their own thought. It is invariably best to induce people to believe that they are acting on their personal impulse or judgment; they should be made to feel perfectly free, not at all coerced, and that they are doing their own will rather than yours—simply because they wish so to do.

We may summarize all these suggestions in the words of a distinguished scientific writer:

“Life is not a bully who swaggers out into the open universe, upsetting the laws of energy in all directions, but rather a consummate strategist, who, sitting in his secret chamber over his wires, directs the movements of a great army.” This is a good description of magnetism.


We are now ready for the great assumption-principle of magnetism in applied life:




So closes this book. The subject before us has been vast and profound. It is unnecessary to confess that the field has by no means been exhausted. At every step of study its immensity is discovered. Even when the general arena of success in life has been closed out of consideration, as in these pages, Success-Magnetism defies any single mind to fathom it or to bound it.

With this feeling, yet with the confident belief that you are more completely furnished for magnetic achievement because you have read, studied, absorbed and practised the teachings now closed, the author bids you all good-speed in life and signs himself, Yours for real success,




The route by which we approach the pinnacle of MASTERY OF SELF now takes a new turn. It is neither that of Business and Financial achievement, as we studied in the First Division of the course, nor is it that of Success and Magnetism as was taught in the Second Division. For many students we now come to the real battle-ground where they must wage the fight for supremacy. The final 14 lessons group under the general title, The CULTURE OF COURAGE.

There is an insidious foe to mastery and freedom, which dooms millions to self-imposed bondage. Most people know it has them in its grip; countless others do not know what the hidden power is which holds them from the richer, freer, happier conditions of life.

This foe is FEAR. It assumes numerous disguises. It appears in many phases of our daily lives. It has done more to wreck careers and ruin happiness than all the wars of history. Hordes of earth toilers believe themselves beyond its influence—while all the time it is riding their backs and laughing at them.

One reason for this is the common misunderstanding of what fear really is. Most people think of it only as fearing to meet certain people, or fearing some accident may happen to them or their loved ones. Yet there are fears of the future, fears of one’s self, fears of events, fears of natural phenomena, fears of old age, fears of poverty. And there are still more hidden, stunting fears developed by the un-religious teachings of blind, bigoted, crafty Religion.

Therefore our higher advance to MASTERY OF SELF is up the steps of

the following 14 lessons, in which the underlying note is the

everlasting declaration, “I AM COURAGE! WHATEVER BETIDES, THE TRUE


Dr. Haddock will open new views of individual nature, personal fears, avenues of self-unfoldment, which are wholesome and uplifting for you. The following lessons are more than a conquest of fear; they are A GREAT ADVENTURE into the heart of a courageous life philosophy. They tear away bond after bond of habit, thought and action which have smothered your true, inner Self.

Passing the brief “Introductory” matter, you start in lesson one—

“The World’s New Dawn,” laying the foundation for Courage-power. Dr. Haddock first makes it clear why man is steadily becoming more free—why darkening, dreadful, shackling fear is being dispelled from the world. His second lesson analyzes Fear and Reason. The third lesson explains why the healthy “tone” of mind and body is the basis upon which the structure of personal Courage is to be reared.


“For all may have, If they dare choose, a glorious life.” • Herbert.

I have received many letters from people who are distressed by their fears. To every such an one let me send this assured message:

You can grow in your soul a perfect courage.

The methods adapted to this ideal are simple, not impossible to any, and will become less and less difficult as you continue to make them more and more a real part of your life.

I do not say, “Be courageous.”

I do not say, “Destroy your fears.”

Such advice is common enough, but it is altogether barren unless you know how to carry it out. I hope, rather, to present methods which shall be definite and practical, so that you will be able to do the very thing needful. These methods, in the large, I now announce as follows:


invited, always through the reading of this book and during life, to believe, assume and realize—


SECOND METHOD: THE ELIMINATION OF FEAR. This is the negative phase

of our work. Specific instructions will be given having to do with every kind of fear. I shall endeavor to suggest practical help to all readers for each particular difficulty.


“spiritual” I mean not merely religious in the ordinary sense, but rather that kind of courage which is just the breath and tone of the White Life manifest in the human life. The WHITE LIFE in you is harmony with the White Life which is The Good, The Beautiful, The True, The All-Health, The Father,

The Infinite Soul of this wonderful Universe in which we live. If you come to harmony with the White Life, your fears will vanish because you will then share in the Courage of the Eternal Good.

There are two kinds of courage:



“And shall I with a Giant strive, And charge a Dragon on the field?”

In these lines we have the first kind of courage. It is good, but there is a type which is vastly superior:


These lines indicate the second kind of courage—than which there is no higher. “Herein is love with us made perfect, that we may have boldness.”

These are our methods. They are commended to your approval. I shall try to state them plainly, going on from one fear to another, and another, until the long list is disposed of, and always shall I follow details of procedure similar to those set forth in “POWER FOR SUCCESS,” the ideal constantly being



“There is no limit to the knowing of the mind that knows.”—

Indian Upanishads.

I wish to indulge in a little Foreword because in this way may be indicated a warning against contentment with a seemingly very sensible conclusion which will prove, on further thought, to be hasty and incomplete.

Five years ago I wrote in this identical place in our study these words:

“Fear will never go out of this world until pleasure loses value, desire ceases for want of an object, and reason no longer imposes responsibility.

“The best gift of Nature to primitive man, after reason, was fear.

“The imagination is reason’s magnifying power.

“Fear observed and obeyed by reason is a friend.

“Fear and reason take care of man.

“Fear and imagination send him into a panic.”

To many minds these statements will have the look of sanity.

But there are others who will instantly perceive that they represent thought on a comparatively low plane. I now observe:

The best gift of Life to primeval man, after love, was reason.

The imagination, void of love,--the feeling of harmony with all,-- forgets reason and permits fear to enter the soul.

Fear is an ALIEN to our life, and never a friend. The real friend is reason, acting amid harmonic conditions.

When you are threatened by some hostile force or event, reason tries to induce self-protection, but you know no real fear if you are saturated with the feeling of harmony. You may believe it is FEAR that seeks your self-protection. But your REASON can do precisely the same thing without fear. Fear is, then, only an extra, a distressing extra, foisted in front of reason.

You are invited now to live the WHITE LIFE, to cast fear out, and to make real reason its substitute. By so much you will add immeasurably to personal comfort and power.

Love and reason alone can take care of man, so far as his own efforts are concerned. In properly blended proportions these constitute the very life of courage. What conceivable service then, can fear render any man or woman?

If you desire panic and distress, let imagination fill your soul with fears. But if peace, happiness, health and power be your desires, live the WHITE LIFE and hold fast only to reason.

By the reality called reason I do not mean mere cold calculation and hard logic. Such phases of reason are legitimate in their place, if freed from cunning and deceit, but the higher reason is to these as a woman’s love— look is to the glitter of ice. The higher reason is not alone intellection, it is also intuition and harmonic assurance—what religious thought calls faith. The higher reason declares self-preservation to be the first law of life, and

then, just because this is true, it cares for self and trusts the White Universe to assist. I really do not see what a human soul need actually fear when that soul and the White Universe are bent on the same goal, the soul’s welfare.

The Universe is a growing organism. It is forever striving to realize its own best estate. This is the true goal for all individuals. It is saying the same thing if we affirm the goal to be Health—for worlds or man: Body-Health, Mind-Health, Self-Health.

When any form of health is threatened, you say, perhaps, it is FEAR that warns you to self-preservation. But I say it is REASON, and your fear-feeling is unnecessary and hurtful. If you can remember that the White Life or Universe and you have the same desire, your highest welfare, you can banish the fear-element, reserving only the reason-assurance element. All the fears in the world cannot benefit you. Harmony and courage will sublime your whole life.

I have never known a person whose reason has induced self-suffering. Suffer-fear is always a product of diseased imagination. What some may call reason-fear, when they think they are extremely sensible, is simply fear, and nothing but fear, and it is due to imagination, not to reason.

“But,” you say, “are there not all sorts of evils in the world, and do they not threaten us, and should we not forefend against them? In this forefending, how can we escape fear?”

These questions show how thoroughly fear is knit into our very lives.

Now this is precisely the point. Fear has no rightful place with any rightful living, because the WHITE LIFE alone is rightful, and in that life reason-assurance only is possible, and, therefore, rightful.

The best way in which to forefend against evil is to deny it and cast out the fiction.

This entire question of evil is at your command. Evil exists because other people admit its existence. If all were to live the WHITE LIFE, each person might rightly declare, “There is no evil.” The only real evil is that which can hurt your best self. When anything hurts your best self, it is your self that hurts your self. The only evil in the Universe is some one’s act hurting others, but more, hurting self. If to you evil is, then, it is yourself. You can so live the sublime WHITE LIFE of harmony as to be able to say: “So far as I am concerned, evil has gone out of the world. There is no evil to me.”

You see, surely now, that you need not fear “evil.” I do not know anything more absolutely and sufficiently opposed to the permission of that self-

acting which alone, for you, is evil, than reason. Fear has nothing properly to do with the matter. And reason-assurance has to do with it only by living the WHITE LIFE and denying fear and evil altogether.

You are invited to make these heaven-born truths your own.



CHAPTER I. The World’s New Dawn CHAPTER II. Fear and Reason CHAPTER III. Physical Tone CHAPTER IV. Dual Health-Tone of the Self CHAPTER V. Fear of Self CHAPTER VI. Fear for Others CHAPTER VII. Fear of Things CHAPTER VIII. The Fears of Timidity CHAPTER IX. Some People We Fear CHAPTER X. Some of Life’s Relations CHAPTER XI. The Fearful Crowd. CHAPTER XII. Fear of Events-Old Age CHAPTER XIII. Courage for Future Events CHAPTER XIV. A Perpetual Tonic


“The New Dawn”

“Fear-Thought and Fear-Feeling”

“The Soul of the Cell”

“A Regime”

“Fear Not Thyself

“Fear Not For Others”

“Fear Not Dumb Things”

“The Massing of a Hundred Faces”

“Fear Not Thy Fellows” “Life’s Relations” “The Raw Material” “Youth is Courage” “Fear Not Events” “The Rock of Courage”

The Call of Life.

Now must the man be summoned forth

To discover himself, his dual reality:

His world, ten thousand fathoms deep, His star-vault, ten thousand spaces high; And come to his own like a king.



“The dawn of a New Day!”

Never an Aryan felt the flare of this electric Fact,

Nor any, or priest at his worship or earth-toiler swarming the land, Till Zarathustra discovered Ahura Mazda, Till Buddha discovered himself, the Thou of THAT, BRAHMA, Till the CHRIST-MIND assumed IT to be the I AM THAT I AM.

(The flare—the ghostly breath of the long-coming Dawn—

Had passed o’er the Nature-Face, had kissed the swart Human, Ages and ages, with never a conscious start In the Man-Soul, till these had upsprung as if gods.—

For, whosoever kens the flare, kens THAT and knows the ONE ONLY WHO IS).

So, thrice have men ventured the Word:

“Comes now a full Day that is New!”

Since these giant Men-Types, what times of the Small Have opened and set on poor mouthings of Truth! What Night for a thousand years twice told!

With Fear, and the fierce Stars, and no Sun in the Void!

Shadows—and Fear—and Death!

A fourth time man whispers: “The Dawn!”

We LIVE! And behold a New Day!”

Does the Flare of its Flood-Tide winds stir YOU?

Does the light of its splendoring Sun thrill YOU? Does the marvelous Life of

it stimulate YOU To a birth of the self and the kingship of THAT?

YOU live! The New Day is for each:

For the hitherto Common Man, slave,

For the Women, no longer a Thing,

For the Child, now escaped from the animal lair.

Dawn’s here!

(With Opportunity leading “captivity captive,”

(And the stars urging on to achievement, (And the Sun, breeding life triumphant); With heart courageous and faith almighty To fare forth and possess the whole world! Soul of YOU, awaken! The New Day is yours.



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