Look Up and Drop that Load
There are three things that the Master stood for, and exemplified to a superlative degree, and that make him of such great value to men of today.
He was the in-knower; the man of courage; the man of love. His unusual sense or faculty of immediate awareness resulted in his wonderful aptitude for understanding life, and discerning the things of the mind and the Spirit as attributes of life. He knew life as Spirit, and spirit as the God-stuff of life. He knew man as spirit and spirit therefore as the God-stuff of man.
Unalterably he identified the two: God out-flowing and manifesting Himself in the life of man, and in the fullest sense the life of all in existence; man receiving, consciously receiving, and in turn manifesting the life of God. Hence Jesus’ realisation for himself: ‘I and my Father are one.’ Hence his understanding and his specific assertion: “As I am so you shall be.’ And it could not be otherwise, for when he perceived and taught that God is Spirit, the Universal Spirit manifesting itself as life, then there is but the One Life, flowing out and becoming the cnergis-ing force in all things, to whose existence it gives form and substance.
For individual man consciously to realise this, enables him to become an intelligent and a mastering expression of the one Universal life. There is no sense of separation. There is no separation. There is at-one-ment — man one with his Maker, realising and living in that true and high state.
This at-one-ment becomes effective in the life of each individual man who receives, who believes, and who lives this truth of the Master, the truth he gave the full and eager plenitude of his life to reveal, to teach, and eventually to die for. To each individual man in this way he becomes a saviour, and as he so expressly, so eagerly, and so continually taught, he cannot become a saviour, any man’s saviour, in any other way.
To connect him with any scheme of salvation based upon anything different from this his truth, is to do violence to his truth, and to deny his truth is to deny him. Through this his truth he becomes the mediator, the mediator uniting man with his God. This is in truth the atonement that becomes real and effective in its results. For one to get clearly his message, to realise clearly his truth — that one’s life is from and in this one Universal life, and that one may so order and so live one’s life — gives one that more abundant life which the Way-shower meant when he said; ‘I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.’
It was this truth of life which his in-knowing sense, his cosmic sense perceived, which he realised and lived and demonstrated and then made it his life mission to reveal to others, and his persistent courage and self-giving love in doing this make him indeed the great liberator of the human mind and spirit and life.
Many who heard him directly were so impressed by the genuineness and the power of his personality, and through this the genuineness and the power of his truth, that they believed; and his asserted transformation in their lives almost immediately took meaning and form. One who was his ardent follower and advocate said: ‘As many as believed on him, to them gave he the power to become sons of God.’
Truth is reasonable, Truth is universal, Law is universal, hence immutable. We men of today are potential possessors of a far more abundant life than in our hurry, carrying our little loads that become big loads, we realise. In our ignorance, our rush, our fear and our worry, we inhibit the power that, working in and through us, would do the thing far better than the little self can ever do it, and enable us to live a life far more carefree.
. . . Hear me, he said, hear my word: I would become your friend, your saviour. I would save you from that sense of separateness, that sense of aloneness, which so enfeebles you. I would lift that load of care which so tires and wearies you. It is not right to go through life with such a pack. Life is for joy, and will be joyful when it is lived aright. I would help you. I long to help you. If you will hear my word, my gospel, my good news, if you will hear and live my truth and so let me help you , your darkened, uncertain, halting way will become a God-illumined way. Reach out and grasp the unseen hand waiting in love to lead you. But you must take it.
. . . Look up, you are not alone. As you look up you will then straighten up — and your pack will fall away. You have thought it a part of you, a hunch on your back. God is love, waiting for you reception and allegiance. This larger way is the real way of life. Believe me, it is true. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. My yoke is but the link linking your life with the Father’s life. My yoke is not a burden. It is the means of lightening your burden. Life should be joyous and light, not heavy and gloomy and fear-laden. Otherwise it is a delusion. But believe me, life is not a delusion. The delusion is that, in trying to live our own little lives alone through perversity or ignorance, we cut ourselves off from the larger Universal life; we shut out the light; we inhibit the very power that would work in and through us for our greatest good.
· · My Father does not leave me alone, or in the dark, or in need, because I seek always to know and to do the will of my Father. And so you will find it will be in your life if you will do the same, for He is my Father and your Father. This is that larger and more abundant life which I have found, and which I would have you know. . . .
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