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Life Without Strain II

THE great fallacy to which we are all slaves, more or less, is the belief that we, of ourselves, have to do everything. At first we honestly think that we do have to accomplish everything ourselves, and are confident that we can do it without any help. This stage is probably necessary, for we all have to learn self-reliance and develop self-confidence, before we can pass on to the much higher stage of entire dependence upon God. But there comes a time when we are not as sure that we, of ourselves, can do everything. Indeed there comes a time when we realize that, of ourselves, we can do nothing. Most students think, when they meet with this experience, that they must have gone wrong somewhere. But this is not the case; it is all part of their normal unfoldment and initiation into higher things.

Life without strain becomes possible to the extent that we realize that God is doing everything and not we. Instead of saying: ‘’I can do this, God helping me,” we say “God is doing this thing and the most that I can do is to co-operate with Him.” The more we allow God to work through us the less strain there is in life. We do not have to plan, strive and strain to achieve, but simply allow the perfect Divine Plan concerning our life to unfold. Indeed, life becomes a process of unfoldment instead of a series of strenuous achievements. We have no fear for the future, for God is looking after this. All that we have to do is to live one day at a time, dealing as faithfully as possible with each experience, every one of which we have ourselves attracted; every one of which also is necessary, and has for its aim our highest good.

As the writer pens these words in his open-air shelter, it is raining. A tiny fly or gnat, so small as to be almost a mere speck, flies in, has a look round, and then flies out again into the rain. Apparently he flies between-the drops. He is so small that one drop of rain, if it were to hit him, would hurl him to earth. But, apparently, he flies between the drops. If this be so what a strain upon the poor gnat’s brain and nervous system such a performance would be, if he had to do it all! But he doesn’t. Assuming that he does fly between the drops, he must do it by instinct. Therefore, it is no strain or worry to him.

In the summer time, as the writer writes in his garden, the activities of ants and bees often arouse his interest. What a terrible worry it would be to the ants or bees if they had to sit down and plan how to build their anthills or nests! But they do no such thing. They do not think, worry, or strain, but obey the guidance of a greater mind which plans and carries out the whole undertaking.

It is not suggested that man can work by instinct, neither is it desirable that he should do so, or be a mere puppet. But he can pass through, by degrees, the stages of achievement, first by his own will, next by enlisting the help of God; and then finally to learn to let the Spirit of God work through him, so that the Divine Will is perfectly expressed. The more he can do so, the less the worry, care, strain, and effort. Such things as nervous breakdowns become things of the past.

It must not be thought, however, that this final stage can be reached all at once, or that it is at all possible to beginners. A beginner attempting it would increase his difficulties. It is beneficial to the more advanced worker, but harmful to the beginner. For instance, this article is being written without any effort or strain at all; yet the writer is, in the ordinary way, so slow at writing, and to him composition is so difficult, that even to compose a letter is a heavy task, only attempted because of a strong sense of duty.

Again, because he realizes that he is being led by the Spirit, the writer does not have to worry over decisions. When we are led by the Spirit all our decisions are right decisions, therefore there is no need to worry at all as to whether they are right or wrong. But, again, we must warn beginners that this is not possible at first. If a beginner attempted this he would probably lose all will-power and ability to make a decision.

Another word of warning.

Being led by the Spirit of God is not being controlled by spirits.

Therefore, we must first develop a strong and positive condition of mind and soul. We must be sure that we make ourselves receptive to God alone. The door must be closed firmly to all but God and Christ. Therefore we have to develop a very positive attitude in every direction, except towards God and Christ. To Christ and Christ alone we can open ourselves completely, allowing Him to possess us utterly and entirely.

No one who is negative and dependent, or who has not overcome fear (that is, passed through the fear initiation) should attempt allowing the Spirit to work through him as a passive instrument.

Let it be understood also that allowing God the Spirit to work through us is not to indulge in automatic writing or any similar dangerous practice. This is the very negation of the real thing. It is accomplished by becoming negative to the very forces and powers towards which we should be positive, and against which we should be as strong as a rock.

Neither do we advocate the emptying of oneself and allowing just anything to fill us. To empty oneself negatively is a dangerous practice, and must be firmly avoided.

Christ taught the care-free life (not the careless life) of utter dependence upon God. The more we enter into Truth, the less care and strain there is in life.

Our Lord said that He did not do the works, but that the Father did them through Him, In the same way we can allow the Spirit to guide us, and to work through us, without strain or fatigue on our part. But we must attain to this stage gradually and by degrees. We must learn to know our Lord in an intimate and personal way by passing through certain experiences. These all come to us at the right time and in their natural sequence.


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