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Do you know anyone who is free of problems? I am sure you do not. You see, problems, like the poor, are always with us. We all have problems. Some of them are what we might call drastic ones, urgent ones. They are the problems that have to be met quickly. Others are what we call chronic. We have had them for such a long time we have become quite attached to them and we really do not want to lose them. We all know people who have gone along for years taking excellent care of their gall bladders, their migraines, their sinuses, nurturing them daily with their thought and their speech. At social gatherings chronic ailments are wonderful as “conversation pieces,” as we all well know. It is only when they really become un-comfortable,--when the scales weigh them, so to speak, when the health liability is greater than the social asset, do we go to work on them. We all have problems, and they all come from that creative dynamo, the subconscious mind.

Why do we have problems? No one, in their right mind, consciously chooses to burden himself with something he is sure will hurt him. The reason for it is that somewhere in the past, something occurred which we had to meet and we did not meet it correctly. The idea entered into the subconscious mind, took root and blossomed forth at a later date as a problem.

There are about some two thousand billion people on the face of the earth, and every single one of them has a problem. Everyone is perfectly sure that his problem is the very worst in the world. We are all convinced of that. No one else has ever had a woe as difficult as our own. However, there is an old saying which tells us, “If everyone put their problems out on a clothes line, and we were all given the chance to look at them, we would all pull in our own problems immediately.” That is true.

When you have a health problem, you are pretty miserable. I am the last person in the world to say that pain is not real. It is,--but it is not permanent. Pain and illness are changing things.

You can change it. You can make a healing in your body, provided that you can find out what is in your subconscious mind that is causing the difficulty, and then changing it. That is not too difficult.

The problem of money and work usually comes from a feeling of inferiority,--an inability to cope with other people,--a sense of inadequacy. You will find that when the process of integration sets in, fear goes. Then, too, you start to learn a bit about the real meaning of “substance.”

The third one is the difficult one, and it contains a most amazing fact. You could never have a health problem,--you could never have a money or work problem,--unless, underlying that, there was a personal relations difficulty. In reality, there is only one problem we ever have to solve,- there is only one problem from which we all suffer, to some degree,- and that is the problem of personal relations.

There was a well-known metaphysical teacher in New York some years ago, who has since passed on. She was Florence Scovill Shinn. If you had an appointment with Mrs. Shinn, upon your arrival at her apartment she never said to you, “What is the matter with you?” She said, “WHO is the matter with you?” She was completely right. WHO is the matter with you? Do you have a problem? Then look for the WHO. And get rid of that WHO. You cannot have a healthy, constructive, creative life as long as you suffer from resentments, from fears, from malice, from envy, from antagonism, from pride,--for these are the cancers of the soul. These are the cancers of the subconscious mind. Sometimes they will manifest as cancer in the body,--but they will more often manifest as an inhibition in your life and in your affairs. They need not necessarily be malignant. That is dependent on the intensity of your emotions.


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