After you have affirmed and reaffirmed your uniy wh he One Mnd untl hat uniy has become a fact present o your consciousness, the next step is to become Life-conscious.
Understand that the Mnd is a ving mnd; that it is lfe, iself. If you are Mnd, you are also Life. There s only one Life, which s n al and through al; and you are that Life.
o, follow your first affirmaton wh his; "That MIND s eternal and it is LIFE; I am that MIND, and I am ETERNAL LIFE."
Repeat his until you have thoroughly stamped t upon your
mentally, both conscious and subconscious; untl you habiualy hink of yourself as fe, and as eternal fe. Now, you habitually think of yourself as a dying being, or as one moving on oward age
and decay; this s an error, born of holding separate consciousness.
Meet every suggeston of age, decay or death wh he posive
assertion: "I am ETERNAL LIFE."
Jesus said: "And this s lfe eternal; to know thee, the LIVING God." To know God s o be conscious of your uniy wh Hm; how else can you know him?"
Health Consciousness
After Life-consciousness s atained, he step o Healh-consciousness s easy. The One Mnd s he ving stuff from which you are made; and t s Pure Life. Life must be Healh; t s nconceivable hat an nflow of pure fe should carry wh t anything but healh. A fountain cannot send forth sweet and bier at he same me. A good ree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit. Light hath no felowship wh darkness. The One Mnd cannot know disease; can have no consciousness of disease.
The consciousness of disease s an error, the result of judging by
appearances; and we judge by appearances only so ong as we retain
he separate consciousness. One cannot be Life-conscious and
conscious of disease at the same me; when we become fuly fe-conscious we lose the disease-consciousness.
o, the next affirmaton s; "That Mnd knows no disease; I am hat Mnd and I am HEALTH." Affirm t wh faih; t wl cure every sickness, if the affirmaton is made in the consciousness that you and your Father are one.
Power Consciousness
Next comes power-consciousness; and he affirmaton for his s: "That Mnd is the source of all POWER, and cannot know doubt nor fear; I am that Mnd, and I am PEACE and POWER."
It needs no argument to show hat the source of all power cannot be afraid of anything; what could there be for it to be afraid of? Nor can he source of all power have doubts as o s being able o do any conceivable hing, or o cope wh any possible combinaton of circumstances; what is there that all the power there is cannot do?
It is only when you conceive of yourself as separate from this power hat you begin o have doubts as o your abiy o do hings; t s only as you hold this separate consciousness that you can be afraid.
Jesus never showed any doubt; nor did He ever manifest fear. He knew hat no harm could come o Hm, against Hs w; and none did. He was not crucified because Hs enemes gained a victory over Hm; He went voluntarily o he cross, o make a demonstraton which should finaly show he ruth o Hs disciples. "No man akes my fe," said He, "I ay t down of myself; I have power o ay t down, and I have power to take it again" (John 10:18).
To have power-consciousness gives poise; poise s he peaceful consciousness of power and s he result of affirmng uniy wh power untl t becomes a present fact n consciousness. "Peace I
eave wh you; my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be
roubled; neiher let it be afraid."
You cannot keep your heart from being afraid f you retain
consciousness of yourself as something apart from Power. o, understand and affirm that you are one wh Power.
Wsdom Consciousness
Wsdom-consciousness s next. Power whout wsdom may be a dreadful and destructve hing, ke he strength of he runaway horse; and power can be constructve only when wsely appled. o we must affirm he fact of our wsdom. The One Mnd, being he source of all things, must know all things from he beginning; must know all truth.
The mnd which knows all truth cannot be mstaken; mstakes are caused by a partial knowedge of he ruth. uch a mnd cannot know error.
Knowng ALL truth, it can only act along the lnes of perfect truth; it can only entertain in consciousness the idea of perfect truth.
It cannot know good from evi; t can know only he good. To recognize anything as evi, a mnd must have only a partial knowedge, and a med consciousness. What seems o be evil s always he result of partial knowedge. Where knowedge s perfect here s no evi; and no one can be conscious of that which does riot exist.
"God s ght and n him s no darkness at all." "God s of too pure eyes to behold evi, and cannot look upon eniquiy."
When we become conscious of ALL ruth, we ose he consciousness of evil.
Wh complete consciousness udgment becomes mpossible, for here s nothing o udge. You do not have o exercise udgment when you know he right way; you do not sit in judgment on others where there is no evil.
o Jesus said; "Ye udge after he flesh; I udge no man." "I am come, not to udge he world, but to save he world." "The Father
udgeth no man."
Where evil and error are non-existent, there can be no judgment. To rise above the error of belef in evi, use this affirmaton; "That Mnd knows only TRUTH, and knows ALL ruth; I am hat Mnd, and I am KNOWLEDGE and WIDOM."
Wealth Consciousness
Having atained consciousness of eternal lfe, of healh, power, and wsdom, what else do you need? Wealh-consciousness; he assurance of affluence and abundance.
The one Mnd s he original substance, from which all hings proceed forth. There s only one element; all things are formed of one stuff.
cience s now precipiatng sugar, coloring mater, and other substances from the atmosphere; that seems o be akin to what Jesus did when He fed he mulude, n he so-caled mracles of he oaves and fishes. The elements which compose all visible nature are n he atmosphere, waing o be organized nto form; and he atmosphere self s only a condensed and palpable form of the one original substance - pirit - God.
All hings are made from, and made of, one ving ntelgent substance; One Mnd, and you are hat Mnd. Therefore, you are he substance from which all hings are made, and you are also he Power which makes and forms; you are wealh and abundance, for you are all there is.
o, affirm; "Al things, created and uncreated, are n that Mnd; I am hat Mnd, and I am WEALTH and PLENTY."
I Am the Way, Truth, Life
Lasty, say; "I am he WAY, and he TRUTH, and he LIFE; he LIGHT in me shines out to bless the world."
This wl give you ove-consciousness: the wl to bless, and the wl
to ove. Eternal lfe; health; power and peace; wisdom; wealth; and ove; when you are conscious of all these, you have attained cosmic consciousness; you are in Christ and Christ is in you.
Statement of Being
There is one Mnd, and I AM that Mnd.
That Mnd is eternal, and it is Life.
I am that Mnd, and I am ETERNAL LIFE.
That Mnd knows no disease; I am that Mnd, and I am HEALTH.
That Mnd s the source of all Power, and cannot know doubt nor fear; I am that Mnd, and I am POWER and PEACE.
That Mnd knows only Truth and knows ALL truth; I am that Mnd, and I am KNOWLEDGE and WIDOM.
All things created and uncreated, are n that Mnd; I am that Mnd, and I am WEALTH and PLENTY.
I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE; the LIGHT n me shines out to bless the world.
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