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Prosperity Begins at Home

EVERY HOUSEHOLD can prove itself a center of the expression of God’s

prosperity, no matter how small its beginning may be. As a mighty oak is but a

spindling twig at first but, through faith in itself and the loving encouragement

and protection of nature, becomes the tower of strength that is the admiration of

all who behold it, so one’s spiritual demonstration of prosperity may seem a

weakling at first, But if you temper the wind of the fierce race suggestions of the

reality of poverty and keep your faith steadily centered in the rich God life that

dwells within you, your prosperity will prove itself an established presence that

no fluctuations among the nations or untrueness among individuals can move or

destroy. Your wealth, like your health, will be eternal.


But let no home work for itself alone and neg- - lect its neighbor. For the joy of

demonstrating God’s presence in any form is that the consciousness of this

presence can be given to our world. Sometimes in order to come to one’s

individual expression of prosperity one must consider one’s world first; for there

is always a stage where selfishness must pass away

if one is to go on to greater power and prosperity.

It may seem to be selfishness that gives people prosperity, but the path of such

prosperity is crossed and recrossed with decay and death, and only the spiritually

ignorant will walk that path. What are millions to you if they cannot save your

life, or heal you of blindness, or bring you love? Many are dying or going into

insane asylums or leading lives of sorrow whom the world envies because of

their wealth.

The riches that come through Truth are permanent and are accompanied by all

the joys of heaven, because they are not confined to property and affairs but are

universal and express themselves through every department of our being.



The laws of spiritual prosperity are the very reverse of the laws of worldly

prosperity. In the divine economy you do not gain by saving up for a rainy day;

you do not lose by spending; the more you give away the more you have. You do

not “earn” divine riches; therefore you do not have to work hard for them either

mentally or physically.

It belongs to your creative consciousness to love to work, and by fearlessness as regards supply and support you can gravitate to your congenial work,

which will be valued highly by the world because art will enter into it.

“Art is love for one’s work.”

We come out of Egypt by ceasing “to work for a living” in our minds. Whatever work you are engaged in now, put your soul into the service and become an artist

in it.

Educate yourself to find divinity in your work and in your associates, whether

employer or employee. When you have learned your lesson, you will graduate

easily into a congenial, because your own, vocation.

The Spirit knows Spirit only, and in its realm there is no bargaining, no buying

and selling, no wages, no hirelings, no laborers, no rewards or punishments, no

merit or demerit, no deserving and no unworthy persons.

All is love, and everything is done for love, and all the fruits of love are gifts.


Listen to me!

The substance of prosperity is spiritual and it infolds you and fills you, breath of your breath, and the fullness and perfection of your life.

This rich substance is a gift to you; it came with you into the world.


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