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Appendix C - How to Get the Most from this eBook


On the pages that follow, I'm going to share with you a simple, yet powerful eight-step plan that will help you get the most out of The Science of Getting Rich ebook.

This eight-step plan is based on my own personal experience. It's exactly how I study and apply The Science of Getting Rich to my own life.

My purpose in writing this special section is to help you get maximum results, in the least amount of time, and with the least amount of effort, from your own study and application of The Science of Getting Rich.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this special section, and find it useful.

To your success!

Tony Mase

Step 1 - Read the Preface and All Seventeen Chapters of The Science of Getting Rich, First, Before You Begin to Study and Apply the Material

If you haven't already done so, I suggest that you go back and read the Preface and all seventeen chapters of The Science of Getting Rich, first, before you begin to read study and apply the material.

This first or pre-reading is vitally important.


Two reasons:

First, by reading through the Preface and all seventeen chapters first, you'll get an overview of the entire philosophy that Mr. Wattles is teaching.

Once you see the big picture, you'll find it much easier to understand the individual parts and see how they all fit together.

It's sort of like putting a jigsaw puzzle together...

It's much easier to put one together when you know what it's supposed to look like when it's finished, isn't it?

Could you put a jigsaw puzzle together without knowing what it was supposed to look like when it was finished?

Sure you could!

However, it would probably take you much longer to do, and it would require far more effort than if you knew what it was supposed to look like first.

The same exact principle applies here.

Second, what you read in one chapter will often clarify your understanding of, or answer a question about, something that you read in another.

After you've read the Preface and all seventeen chapters, all the way through once, when you begin to study each of the chapters individually, you'll often find yourself recalling something you read in one of the other chapters that will clarify or answer a question about something you're reading or studying now.

After you've experienced this one or twice yourself, you'll understand what I mean.

Now, you may not recall exactly where you read something, but you will recall that you did. You can then search for it, which, in and of itself, will prove invaluable to your studies.

After you've read all the way through The Science of Getting Rich, you'll be ready to begin to study and apply what you've read.

The seven steps which follow will help you do this.

I highly recommend that you follow them.

You see, by the time you're done reading The Science of Getting Rich, I can promise you that your head will be spinning. Your mind will be filled with thoughts and ideas flying through it at warp speed. You'll be full of excitement about all the possibilities that lie ahead. However, at the same time, you'll most likely find yourself confused about what to do next.

And, therein lies the danger...

What happens when you're confused?

Usually nothing, right?

If anything does happen, it's usually disorganized activity that not only doesn't accomplish very much, but it often proves far more destructive than constructive.

The best way to get yourself unconfused is the old strategy of divide-and-conquer. In other words, break up the big, confusing, unmanageable whole into small, understandable, manageable pieces.

That's exactly what the next seven steps will do for you.

Once you begin to follow these steps, you'll quickly find your confusion giving way to clarity.

Step 2 - Set Aside a Period of Thirty to Sixty Minutes a Day, Every Day, that You Will Dedicate to the Study and Application of the Principles of Just One Chapter of The Science of Getting Rich

Choose whatever time is best for you. As I'm an early riser, I find morning is best because I'm refreshed and I know I won't be disturbed. Also, because this is one of the most important things I do, doing it first thing in the morning assures that it gets done.

Whatever time you choose, make sure it is consistent. In other words, you want to make this period the same time every day. If you don't, you'll soon get confused and find yourself procrastinating. Then, before you know it, you won't be doing it at all.

Treat this time just as you would any unbreakable appointment. It is an appointment - an appointment with yourself. It's one of the most important appointments that you'll ever make!

Each day, focus on just one chapter of The Science of Getting Rich, starting with the Preface. Then, continue working through the book one chapter a day in the order in which they appear.

In other words, do the Preface the first day, Chapter 1 the next day, Chapter 2 the next day, etc.

Doing the chapters in the order in which they appear is very important because, as you know from your first reading, Mr. Wattles builds each chapter of The Science of Getting Rich on the preceding ones.

If you want to spend more than one day on a particular chapter, feel free to go ahead and do so. I have often spent days, and sometimes weeks, focusing on just one chapter during my daily study period.

Step 3 - Start Your Daily Study Session by Printing the Chapter of The Science of Getting Rich that You'll Focus on that Day

Here's one way to do that:

1. Open The Science of Getting Rich ebook in Adobe Reader.

2. Use the "Bookmarks" at the left hand side of your screen to go to the chapter of The Science of Getting Rich that you'll focus on during the current days study session.

3. Note the first page number of the chapter.

4. Quickly scroll through the chapter and note the last page number.

For example, Chapter 1 begins on page 15 of The Science of Getting Rich ebook and it ends on page 17.


5. Click on "File" on the Adobe Reader menu bar and you'll see a menu similar to the one below:

6. From this menu, click on "Print..." and a Print box similar to this one will appear:

7. In the section that says "Print Range", click in the little button to

the left of the words "Print from:


8. Then in the two boxes to the left of the words "Print from:", type in the start and ending page numbers that you want to print.

For example, if you wanted to print out the first chapter of The Science of Getting Rich, this is what the Print box would look like:

9. Click "OK" and the chapter will print out.

Depending on your computer and the version of Adobe Reader you have, your "File" menu and "Print" box may or may not look exactly like the ones above.

Of course, you can print out the entire contents of The Science of Getting Rich at one time if you wish to. Use the same steps listed above.

One word of warning though...

Some printers have trouble printing a large number of pages in one batch. Sometimes it's better to print a chapter or two at a time.

An alternative, if you want to print the whole book at once, is to copy The Science of Getting Rich ebook onto a floppy disk and bring it to a local copy center such as Kinko's, or an office supply store like Staples or Office Max that has a copy center and have them print it out.

Large copy centers usually have printers that are capable of printing a large number of pages in one batch and should be able to print from a file in PDF format - the format The Science of Getting Rich ebook is in.

Please note - The Science of Getting Rich ebook is optimized for viewing on screen. As such, it has larger than normal type when printed.

Step 4 - After You've Printed the Chapter, Read the Chapter All the Way Through

During this reading:

• Don't try to absorb or study the chapter...

• Don't make notes... Just read the chapter!

Step 5 - Then, Read the Same Chapter Again...

Only this time, read it with pen or pencil in hand. You can also use a highlighter if you wish.

Read the chapter a bit more slowly and carefully this time, highlighting, marking, taking notes and jotting down ideas as they come to you. Use additional sheets of paper for notes if you like.

During this second, more intensive reading:

1. Think!

In The Science of Being Great,* Wallace D. Wattles wrote: "You are not mentally developed by what you read, but by what you think about what you read."

So, while you read - think, and write those thoughts down.

During your daily study period, concepts from other chapters in The Science of Getting Rich may come to mind. This is where that first reading of the entire book will pay off big time!

When this happens, it's best to stop and look up what you recall reading and either write down or print out the appropriate passages and put them with the notes of the chapter that you're studying.

Often you won't recall exactly where you saw a particular passage, but you will recall having read it. If time does not permit looking for it during your study period, make a note to yourself so you'll remember to go back and look for it when you will have time.

2. Look up words that you don't understand or are not familiar with.


I know this sounds like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't do it. I can tell by some of the questions I get.

Occasionally, as you read The Science of Getting Rich, you'll come across words that you may not understand, or that don't make sense to you in the context in which Mr. Wattles' uses them.

None of us knows the meaning of every word there is in the English language. Many words have multiple meanings. And, keep in mind, that Mr. Wattles wrote this book over ninety years ago. Many words that were in common usage then, are no longer commonly used today, and many words that were used back then were used with a different meaning than the meaning we would attach to them today.

A good example of that is the word check. If you look up the word check in a dictionary, you'll see that it has a number of meanings. One of the meanings is to examine something to see if it's true or satisfactory. Another meaning is to stop or slow something down.

In Chapter 9, Mr. Wattles writes, "But you can check all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance."

In this case, Mr. Wattles is using the word check to mean stop or slow down. In other words, he's saying - But you can stop or slow all this by starting a negative impression in the Formless Substance.

Although the word check was commonly used to mean stop or slow something down when Mr. Wattles wrote The Science of Getting Rich, it's not a common use of the word today.

If you didn't know that the word check had multiple meanings, or if you didn't know that the word check was commonly used with that meaning back then, it would be easy for you to misinterpret what Mr. Wattles was saying.

Here are two online resources that I often use while studying Mr. Wattles' writings that I think you'll find helpful:

1. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary !

Although intended for learners of the English language, I like this dictionary because of its simple definitions, and the clear, concise examples that it uses. This is normally the first place I look.

2. OneLook® Dictionary Search !

This web site is far more than just an online dictionary. It is really a search engine for words and phrases. When you enter a word, you're quickly taken to the web-based dictionaries that define that word. The OneLook® search engine indexes more than six million words in more than nine hundred online dictionaries.

OneLook® allows you to look up a word in multiple dictionaries, two of which are particularly useful when looking up words in The Science of Getting Rich:

1. Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition

2. Webster's 1828 Dictionary

These two dictionaries will help you find how a particular word was used or defined in Wallace D. Wattles' era.

There are a whole bunch of other features that make this web site a useful resource. I really like this resource, and use it often.

I encourage you to check these two resources out for yourself, and use them in your study of The Science of Getting Rich. I think you'll find them as useful as I have.

3. Write down specifically what you're going to do to apply what you're learning in the chapter you're studying - especially where Mr. Wattles suggests specific actions.

For example...

In Chapter 8, Mr. Wattles talks about forming a "clear and definite mental picture" of what you want.

When you study that chapter, set aside time to form your "clear and definite mental picture" of what you want.

Now, for some people, forming a "clear and definite mental picture" of what they want will take a matter of minutes. For others it may take days or even weeks.

This is an excellent example of when you might want to stay on one chapter for awhile. If it takes you several days or weeks to create your "vision", you may want to spend those same days or weeks studying Chapter 8 during your daily study period.

Why go on to the next step, before you complete the current one?

As a matter of fact, there's no reason to go on to Chapters 9 and 10 until you have applied Chapter 8 by forming a "clear and definite mental picture" of what you want.

If you do, you'll only frustrate yourself. Chapters 9, 10 and beyond will show you what to do once you have formed your "clear and definite mental picture". Without one, they'll be relatively meaningless.


Don't hurry...

Take it step-by-step - don't go on to the next step until you complete the current one!

And, most important of all...

4. Pay particular attention to flashes of inspiration, ideas that just seem to pop into your head, urges and gut feelings about something you should or shouldn't do that come to you during this study period - and write them down!

As a matter of fact, pay particular attention to them and write them down no matter when they occur!

Start listening to that quiet voice from within. That quiet voice, those urges, those hunches, those flashes of inspiration, those thoughts that just seem to pop into your head out of nowhere are the Formless Intelligence (one of the many names by which Wallace D. Wattles calls this power) communicating with you!

If you pay particular attention to that quiet voice, those urges, those hunches, those flashes of inspiration, those thoughts that just seem to pop into your head out of nowhere and act on them - you'll experience results by leaps and bounds rather than in little gradual steps.

This is what Ralph Waldo Emerson is talking about in his essay, The Oversoul,* when he says...

"After its own law and not by arithmetic is the rate of its progress to be computed. The soul's advances are not made by graduation, such as can be represented by motion in a straight line; but rather by ascension of state, such as can be represented by metamorphosis, - from the egg to the worm, from the worm to the fly."

Step 6 - End Your Daily Study Period by Reading Through the Same Chapter One More Time as a Review

After your second, more intensive reading, read through the same chapter again, one more time, as a review.

At the end of your daily study period, put the printed chapter, your notes and any other passages that you may have printed out or copied all together. You can either paperclip or staple them together, or keep them in a folder or notebook.

By doing this, you'll have them all together the next time you study the same chapter or if you need to refer to them when studying future chapters.

Step 7 - Keep Doing this Every Day, Focusing on Just One Chapter a Day Until You Complete The Science of Getting Rich

Again, if you want to spend more than one day on a particular chapter, feel free to do so.

Remember that Mr. Wattles says repeatedly that there is never any need for hurry on the creative plane - ever!

Step 8 - Repeat Steps 2 - 7

After you've completed all the chapters of The Science of Getting Rich, using this suggested study plan, start again at the Preface and go through it again the same exact way. Then, do it again, and again, and again. Using this plan you can go through this book as many as twenty times in the next year.

In Chapter 16, Mr. Wattles writes, "Study this book. Make it your constant companion until you have mastered all the ideas contained in it."


Well, there you have them...

Eight simple steps to help you get the most from The Science of Getting Rich.

Let's review them...

• Step 1 - Read the Preface and all seventeen chapters of The Science of Getting Rich, first, before you begin to study and apply the material.


• Step 2 - Set aside a period of thirty to sixty minutes a day, every day, that you will dedicate to the study and application of the principles of just one chapter of The Science of Getting Rich.

• Step 3 - Start your daily study session by printing the chapter of The Science of Getting Rich that you'll focus on that day.

• Step 4 - After you've printed the chapter, read the chapter all the way through.

• Step 5 - Then, read the same chapter again. Read it a bit more slowly and carefully this time, highlighting, marking, taking notes and jotting down ideas as they come to you.

• Step 6 - End your daily study period by reading through the same chapter one more time as a review.

• Step 7 - Keep doing this every day, focusing on just one chapter a day until you complete The Science of Getting Rich.

• Step 8 - Repeat steps 2 - 7.

Don't let the simplicity of these eight steps deceive you. The best things in life are often the simplest.

Each of these eight steps is based on my personal experience. They're not something I just made up. They're what I do!

And based on that experience, here's the absolute best advice I can leave you with:

Apply what you learn from each chapter before going on to the next one!

Here's the deal...

You can read The Science of Getting Rich hundreds of times. You can memorize every word of it. You can study it until you're blue in the face. However, until you apply what you learn, you're not going to get the results you're seeking.

It's that simple.

If you truly want your life to change, if you're serious about getting rich, you need to do what Mr. Wattles instructs you to do in each and every chapter.

Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month - today!

Always keep in mind...

It's not the knowledge of, or understanding of, these principles and instructions that will make the difference in your life. It's the application of these principles and instructions that will make the difference in your life.

It doesn't matter how long it takes you to complete this program of study and application...

If it takes you two weeks - great!

If it takes you two months - great!

If it takes you two years - great!

I can promise you that even if it does take you two years, you'll make far more progress toward financial success during those two years, using this concentrated, focused system of study and application, than you'll make in twenty years by using a scattered, shotgun approach.


There is never any need to hurry - ever!

Follow this eight-step study plan, apply what you learn and before you know it your life will begin to change. It'll start getting easier. Things will start coming to you instead of you having to chase after them. Good things will just start appearing in your life...

And, soon, very soon, you'll be living a richer, far more prosperous life than you ever dreamed possible!


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