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7 How to practice conscious autosuggestion

Every morning before rising, and every night on getting into bed, he must shut his eyes and in thought transport himself into your presence, and then repeat twenty times consecutively in a monotonous voice, counting by means of a string with twenty knots in it, this little phrase:

“Every day, in every respect, I am getting better and better.” In his mind he should emphasize the words “in every respect” which applies to every need, mental or physical. This general suggestion is more efficacious than special ones.

Make this autosuggestion in a way as simple, as childlike, as mechanical as possible, and consequently as effortlessly as possible. In one word the formula should be repeated in the tone in which a litany is recited.

In this way, one makes enter the inconscient through the ear mechanically and when it penetrates, it acts. This method which is as preventive as curative can be followed through out.

Moreover, during the course of day or night each time you sense a physical or moral suffering, immediately affirm on yourself that it is going to be removed, and then isolate yourself as much as possible, close your eyes, and if it relates to something moral, press gently your hands on the forehead and if it relates to physical suffering on the painful part, repeat with your lips, extremely fast, the words “ it is going to pass, it is going to pass etc., etc.”, for as long a duration as necessary. With little practice, you will be able to make the moral or physical pain disappear in 20 to 25 seconds. Start again each time it becomes necessary.

Thus it is easy to realize the part played by the giver of the suggestions. He is not a master who gives orders, but a friend, a guide, who leads the patient step by step on the road to health. As all the suggestions are given in the interest of the patient, the unconscious of the latter asks nothing better than to assimilate them and transform them into autosuggestion. When this has been done, the cure is obtained more or less rapidly according to circumstances.

The practice of autosuggestion does not replace a medical treatment, this is only a precious aid to the patient as well as to the doctor.


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