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Principle of "POWERLESS"

Not having the ability, strength, or power to act or change.
What does it look like: Uncertainty, defeat


* Loss of control

* Loss of self
* Not being important
* I would be in danger or the victim
* Letting someone else takeover
* I could be wrong

What does it look like when I'm not doing it (costs).

* Things aren't going my way
* Life is a mess
* A feeling of having to do everything myself
* Trying to force things to happen
* Frustration, giving up
* Scared, unsure of whats going to happen next
* Constant planning, trying to predict the future
* I would be working too hard, exhaustion
* A feeling of I cant take it anymore or I've had enough
* Other people have power over me

What does it look like when I am doing it (rewards).

* Life takes on an easier flow
* Less anxiety or worry
* Open-mind to new ideas and possibilities
* The right answers come without me even doing anything
* Life shows up like a gift
* More energy, happiness, and contentment
* Freedom to choose whatever I want

What are the benefits?

* Less confusion
* I will have a new confidence that things will turn out right
* Clear-mind, sobriety
* Admitting defeat becomes easier
* More power will come to me

What is the truth?

* We are all powerless over everything

What is the illusion?

* I can control my drinking and my life

* My world will fall apart if I say i am powerless


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