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Principle of "WE"

cooperation, trust, sharing, help, 2 heads are better than 1, larger perspective, group consensus,
harmony with others, ideas that are out of my view

What does it look like: The trusting of a group as opposed to my way

1. Fears:

* They will find out who I really am and that I don't know
* I might be judged or look bad
* What if I don't like what they decide
* Loss of control
* I will be taken advantage of
* They will hurt me

2. What does it look like when I'm not doing it (costs).

* Unwillingness - conflict with others
* Feeling bad or of not belonging
* Feeling defiant having disagreements
* A feeling of "I have to do it myself"

* Close-minded, rigid

3. What does it look like when i am doing it (rewards).

* No conflict
* Feel better about the situation
* Accepted, part of something larger than myself
* Supported, things happen without me even doing anything
* Shared reality, sense of community
* More powerful, in harmony with other

4. What are the benefits

* Experience trust
* Proof that it is ok
* People will help you
* Life becomes easier because you are not doing everything

5. What is the truth?

* I don't know everything
* I can't do everything myself

6. What is the illusion?

* I know what is best for everyone
* I can do it on my own
* I don't need your help
* I am right


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